Who we are?

Conscious health is a constant balance between mind, body, and spirit. We can’t dissociate the three. Just like our heart beats has we breath in order for life to be sustained so is the constant balance between a healthy mind, healthy spirit in a healthy body- in order to produce any change in our life the mind and the body have to be alignment, not in opposition- we have to feel how we think. 

The great majority of the people I encounter in my practice and life in general are usually in a dissociative state. The greater the dissociation the more severe heir ailments are usually: metabolic diseases, maladaptive disorders such as depression and anxiety. 

I know now that we are primarily causing our reality through deeply rooted subconscious programs and memories even at the cellular level. We have permitted the external world, past experiences, to dictate our view of the? Now, therefore never breaking the habit of being ourselves like Dr Joe Dispenza discussed so well in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. We have mentally and chemically created an automated-self, a personality, existing like a recorded loop of our past- never creating.

Most of us have not been awakened, the memories and conditioning programs residing in the subconscious mind run our day to day life creating a very dull monotony, at times we may have a brief Satori moment where we become conscious of the conundrum and override our subconscious created self- our personality-  in that moment we feel great and centered; because we become conscious of our infinite potential to weave a limitless reality.