The Story

“Our Mindset, awareness in the mind, determines where our focus and energy in life go therefore it determines what we manifest in our lives.”

- Dr Davisson.E

My name is Davisson Edmond, I was born on July 18th, 1979 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti- on the other side of the track from the rest of the world. My father died I was two years old; I have no memories of him; my mother has been the sole pillar of my life from the time I was old enough to remember life and understand it. I have witnessed my mother work to exhaustion and come home to only work more to give us a chance at a better future.

Medicine has been my first love from a very young age, growing up with a nurse as a mother and uncles who were doctors in Haiti, it was all around me. When the time came for me to embark on the six years journey through medical school the decision was made without hesitation.

I currently focus on sharing my knowledge acquired in medicine and personal development to help others change their mindset in order to achieve conscious health and manifest their desired realities.